

I'm synesthetic.
I see colours around me, I see another world and I live it.
I live concrete reality the same as I live my coloured parallel world:
each person has a colour, each name has a color, each number has a colour, smells have a colour, desires have a colour.
Everything around me take the appearence of a color; I can't decide wich color associate to one thing or another.

This is the starting point of my experiment: using watercolors I produced these different colored spots, wich represent different emotions and from this I developed the shapes of the drawings.

Handmade illustrated book, 17,5cmX11,5cm.
Watercolours, Pen.

Project submitted to: Mind-Blowing Color Competition

birds-eyes, eyes birds or birds and eyes

an angel behind me

loneliness, I'm alone

anormal happiness

sexual impulse

my daily life isn't routine

peace, tranquillity and serenity

Handmade illustrated book, 17,5cmX11,5cm.
Watercolours, Pen.

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